“ No” is the biggest creativity squasher out there. Which is why in the world of improv comedy, there’s no such thing as “no”. Instead, you have to build on what other actors come up with—taking something crazy (yes!) and making it even crazier (yes, and). This activity invites you to do the same through a collaborative drawing process.
Everyone imagines one possible solution to the problem at hand and draws it with permanent markers on clear acetate or tracing paper.
After a few minutes of drawing time, the leader rings the bell and everyone passes their drawing to the person on their left. Take a minute to understand the drawing you’ve been passed (without asking any questions of your neighbor).
Tape a fresh sheet of acetate over the original drawing and add to it on this new layer. Pass again and again, adding complexity with each round of drawing.
After a few rounds, reflect on the drawings. How do they change by removing a layer or two, selectively? What happens when you add a layer from a completely separate drawing set? What new ideas pop up?